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Showing posts from September, 2013

This Is Dungeon | Dungeon Exploring Time

There is still tons and tons of work to be done to the game, however it is at a state that is playable.  In the current state there is only one enemy model and there are some missing animations and textures, the odd bug/glitch.  Plus the game is still not fully balanced but hey what is the point of making a game if nobody is going to play it even in its currently being developed state.  So grab your torches and armor up for some adventure time through the dungeons of This is Dungeon!  PLAY NOW Side note: if you right click on the unity webplayer you can enter fullscreen mode, escape key will exit fullscreen. Enjoy!

This Is Dungeon | New Screenshots

I have been doing code cleanup for some major parts of the game such as the loot dropping mechanic for enemies and treasure chests.  Probably another week and I should have it to a state that I am very happy with.  The hardest part about designing a game where the largest feature is its randomness is the fact that it is hard to tweak the systems without doing multiple play tests.  But I'm finding ways of working that into the design instead of fighting the randomness and trying to make it do exactly what I want every time.  If I tried to do that too much it would kill the entire point building a randomly generated game.

This Is Dungeon | Game Over Screenshot

Aaaaaaaah the bitter sting of defeat! this is the first pass at the game over screen for This is Dungeon .  Enjoy!

Random Level Generation

The level generation system in This Is Dungeon  uses a few different ideas to produce the final levels but I'm just going to go over the first right now.  Levels are generated using the Dungeon-Building Algorithm by Mike Anderson .  This algorithm is very simple to implement and gives really good results.  The levels generate very quickly and the player is guaranteed to be able to reach every room of the level. random dungeon no choke point. After playing around with the generated levels in game I started wanting to be able to break the map up into multiple sections.  Since the features are built one at a time from a previously built room I realized I could just tell the generator how many sections I wanted to break the map up into and divide that by the number of rooms it was trying to generate.  The result being the number of rooms that should go into each section.  With that info you just keep track of the rooms already built and when tha...