Here is another painting I did based on an idea I had of a little bunny that found his way to the dark edge of the woods. This one was really fun to work on from start to finish. I started with a black and white block out of the main shapes really only thinking about composition. Next I drew over that on a new layer with a brush that looked like pencil work, this helped me detail out the shapes more. After that I went over the entire image with an airbrush, still only working in black and white to soften some of the ares and blend the values a bit more. Once that was done I made a new layer and went over the image with the airbrush again this time adding big patches of color. Once I was happy with that I made yet another new layer and got a nice hard edged brush and started to work the shapes more. I went back and forth this way until I ended up with the image above.
An old-school CSG inspired level editor add-on for Blender 3D. The add-on is still very much a work in progress but fairly solid for blocking spaces super quickly. Just because graphic fidelity has gotten insanely good and hyper detailed doesn't mean we shouldn't look back how older games were put together, at least that is my opinion. One thing I always come back to is how quickly the tools in the first 2 versions of Unreal Ed 2 and Doom level editors allowed anyone to block out a level, iterate on feedback or try an idea out. So I just took some time to put together a similar pipeline right in my 3d package of choice. I wanted to keep it simple and quick to try out level design ideas. You can use it for simple white boxing of your level, break it up into multiple static meshes and import them into your game engine of choice or you can use that as your starting point to start more detailed modeling ....
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