Shopping in the zombie apocalypse, this is a concept piece I did about a year ago now. Like many people out there I also enjoy the idea of a good old fashioned zombie apocalyptic world. It would be utterly horrifying to be faced with the idea of being eaten alive by a pack of rotting blood thirsty living dead. But, who wouldn't want to explore the world after people? With all the places to explore it would feel like being on a different planet. For me it goes into that child hood fantasy of wanting to spend the night in the mall with all of the stores open and you, just for one night can do whatever you wanted too! That would be AWESOME! Maybe that is one of the reason I love working on environments so much. It becomes very easy to get lost in the idea and emotions of what you are trying to have the viewer feel.
My first thought when approaching this image was thinking about simple normal parts of every day life and what those might look like in the zombie apocalypse. We all have to go shopping so I thought, "hey what would shopping in the zombie apocalypse look like?". The entire time working on the piece I just kept thinking about what it would actually be like to live in this world and walk around in this space. Once that thinking was in mind everything started to fall into place fairly quickly. One of the things to help keep pieces like this moving fast enough to keep me excited is by using photo scrap to help quickly drop in the ideas as they come and then painting over and tweaking them as the image progresses. I used tons of photo scrap and a few 3D elements for this piece. The body on the right side of the screen and the foreground character were 3D models I posed in DAZ Studio and painted over. I don't really mind the stigma that comes from working in this manner since its all about enjoying the work and getting a piece finished with all the ideas in place. When all is said and done I'm very happy with this piece. It invokes the idea I wanted it to and thats pretty much the goal.
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