I watched a youtube video the other night on a random shape generator that someone had made and got inspired. After thinking about it as I watched the video I realized it would be pretty easy to do and so I quickly cobbled one together. Right now it just has some very basic properties to adjust to get random shapes so the foundation is in. It is already pretty fun to play around with and I have a few ideas to expand it a bit more.
There is a common problem that any creative faces and that is the blank canvas or blank page. The problem is that a blank piece of paper or computer screen can feel like this creative void. The best solution is to get rid of the empty as quickly as possible. Like looking at the clouds on a summer day you start to see shapes and patterns as you fill in the empty space. Usually you will find something that sparks an idea.
The random shapes works in the same way only with a 3d mesh. When I see something that I like I can play around with it more. Squash and stretch it around until I end up with something that I like. From there if needed I can refine it into usable mesh or rebuild it from scratch only with a much better idea of what I want to model.
3d packages come a few standard meshes like cubes, spheres and cones. They also usually have some extras and there are loads of cool extras that people have created. But usually they are always based on some real world object like a house or a window or nuts and bolts. Some times you just need something to help spark an idea.
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